Customer Comments

We have served over a million of happy customers since our opening in 1976!

My fiance and I LOVE the Hungry Peddler! It’s a small restaurant that gives you a cozy romantic feel. I hate going to restaurants where we are treated differently because we’re younger (mid-20’s). We always have exceptional service at the Hungry Peddler and the food is AMAZING!!! Always enough for lunch the next day, too! Can’t wait to eat here, again.


If visiting La Crosse this is one of the local places worth stopping by. The employees are first class. Best service in the area. Food is always good and consistent. Customers always leave satisfied.


You deserve all the wonderful remarks that your customers say…..your food, decor, service and consistency to excellence is exceptional. Kevin is a first class business owner, and LaCrosse is an excellent palate for this entity. It all makes for a happy experience, and a very happy customer.

Debra Stantic

We absolutely love the Peddler ! Some of the best food in LaCrosse and surrounding area. The Buchholtz clan especially enjoy Sunday morning breakfast,it is not unusual to find 4 generations of our family sitting at the round table by the front window. We started going to the Peddler back in the 70’s and plan to continue for many years to come <3 I am proud to give 2 thumbs up !

Jean Buchholtz

Missed dinner by 15 minutes so we went for breakfast the next morning.All we can say is if we lived there we’d be there a few times a week.You are definately on our to-do list next time we are down there.Charming place, great food and the waitresses make you feel right at home.

Laurie and Dottie

Have been coming here with my family for over 25 years and now having a little one of my own, it is one of my favorite places to go! My husband loves their French Onion Soup and I love their FISH!! Always great service, amazing food and a great atmosphere. Thanks HP!
